Enjoy Free WiFi 24/7!

To access, simply connect to Jeudevine Public. There is no password. Some devices may need to be restarted within our WiFi's range before a connection can be established. Our signal reaches nearby parking spots and we provide a picnic table in the warmer months should you wish to access the internet when we are closed!

Copying, Faxing, Scanning, and Laminating

We can accept cash, checks or debit/credit cards. Users paying with a card will be charged the $1.50 service fee. 


Copying: $0.20per page (black & white, and color*)


Laminating: $0.50 per page.


Scanning and Faxing: Free


*If copying a half or full-page photograph (using a substaintial amount of any kind of ink), the charge will be $0.50 per page. Color copies must be requested at the circulation desk at this time.

Interlibrary Loans

Are you looking to read a book that we don't have at our library? Get it through an interlibrary loan (ILL)! We can find many titles through the Vermont Department of Libraries and for the more hard-to-find titles we may be able to get it from out of state for you. Clicking here will bring you to the Vermont State Library catalog so you can browse what they have to offer. If you find something you want, call or email us with the information and we will order it for you.


The library participates in a courier service provided in part by funds from the federal Institute of Museums and Libraries which is administered by the VT Department of Libraries. All other funds come from the library budget. Through the courier service we're able to get a wide range of library media from all over Vermont. This is a free service! Once per week we receive and send out our ILLs with the courier.


If we can't find the book through a fellow courier library or you need to get it ASAP we can always get it via post for you! This is also a free service but we do have to pay postage at an average of $3/book. Donations are more than welcome to help cover this cost but are never required to use this service.

Computer Assistance

Are you new to the world of computers or would like a hand with brushing up on your current skills? We're here to help! Some of what we can help you with:

  • General help and instruction with using computers.
  • Downloading audio books and e-books.
  • Setting up an e-mail account.
  • Browsing the web safely.
  • Using our databases.
  • Using Chilton’s Repair Manuals.
  • Finding legitimate medical information.
  • Using Career Transitions to build a resume and search for jobs.
  • And more!

One-on-one help is available for any level of experience. Give us a call to set up an appointment!

Chromebooks Available to Check Out


The Jeudevine Library got a VT Community Foundation Connectivity Grant and is happy to announce that we now have five Chromebooks available for you to check out for 2 week periods! These Chromebooks are best suited for online environments from streaming your favorite shows, to writing a paper for school on Google Docs. If you don’t have the internet at home but would like access to things like word processing or spreadsheets, we’d be happy to help you set up your Google Drive account to continue your work offline. You can also check with your cellphone service provider about turning your phone into a Wi-Fi Hotspot, or use any public Wi-Fi connection – the Jeudevine Library’s is available 24/7!


To check out a Chromebook, you’ll need to be 18 years old, have a library account in good standing and have a state-issued ID to show us (such as a driver’s license or non-driver ID). Everything needed to hit the ground running is included, but please don’t hesitate to ask us for help!


For more information:


Call us at 472-5948, email us at jeudevinelibrary@hardwickvt.org, or swing by in person! 

Device Charging Station

Forgot your charger? We're happy to offer free device charging! We have one 6' Android MicroUSB (with available Type C adapter) and one 6' iOS Lightning Connector to get you powered back on. Let us know at the circulation desk and we will get you set up. Charging cables may not leave the vicinity of the circulation desk. 

Do you have a legal question? Ask a Law Librarian!

Westlaw and Fastcase
Vermonters who are representing themselves in court or researching a legal issue can create a free, temporary account with Westlaw and Fastcase. Details and instructions at: https://www.vermontlaw.edu/academics/library/CLIC

Virtual Reference Appointments
Do you need help using these legal databases or researching current or historic Vermont laws? Request a virtual reference appointment with a law librarian.
Email: clic@vermontlaw.edu 
Leave a message on the Ask a Law Librarian line: 802-831-1313
CLIC is housed and administered at the Vermont Law School library, and funded through a grant from the Vermont Department of Libraries.

Library Hours:

  • Monday:         1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday:        10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday:   1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Thursday:       10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Friday:            10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
  • Saturday:       10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
  • Sunday:                  Closed


Phone: (802) 472-5948


Email: jeudevinelibrary@hardwickvt.gov



Address: Jeudevine Memorial Library

                 93 North Main St.

                 P.O. Box 536

                 Hardwick, VT 05843

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