To donate to the library, as well as the building project, click the button below!
Mission of the Friends:
The Friends of the Jeudevine Library will promote the goals of the Library. The Friends will initiate, coordinate and carry out:
§ Community service to encourage Library use and enjoyment
§ Special projects to support continuing education and learning for all patrons of the Library
§ Fundraising to underwrite special Library projects and initiatives.
Some of the projects we have sponsored in the past:
§ Adult book discussion series and other adult programs
§ Matching grants for Youth Librarian Salary
§ Summer reading program for children and teens
§ Youth programming throughout the year
§ Spring Festival Parade Float
§ Fundraising for the Jeudevine Expansion Project
Fundraising events sponsored by the Friends include:
§ Concerts
§ Raffles
§ Scrabble Tournament
§ Book and bake sales
§ Annual Membership letter
We’re always looking for a few good volunteers… What are your interests? D o you have ideas for new fundraisers? Ideas for new library project that we could support? Contact the Friends at:
Library Hours:
Phone: (802) 472-5948
Address: Jeudevine Memorial Library
93 North Main St.
P.O. Box 536
Hardwick, VT 05843
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