The last Monday of every month from October to March, the Jeudevine invites you to CRAFTea! Bring whatever handwork you do to the Hardwick Community Center at 56 High Street from 5:30 to 7 PM.
Any crafts are welcome and encouraged: knitting, crocheting, embroidery, cross-stitch, rug hooking, spoon carving, basket making, mending, paper quilling, lace making, spinning, weaving, felting, sewing, jewelry making, painting, origami... whatever you do that is portable and good in a group situation!
We will meet at the community center, an accessible location, until the library addition is open.
Tea and conversation provided.
Kerrin McCadden Reads New Work and Discusses Poetry
at the Jeudevine on Sunday, April 6, at 4 PM
As part of Hardwick's first Verse Village celebration during National Poetry Month, the Jeudevine is delighted to host poet Kerrin McCadden. McCadden, an award-winning Irish-American poet living in Vermont, will read from new work. She has been writing about joy and themes such as weirdness, time, and neanderthals. She will also read some of her Dear Matthew poems, letter poems to a poet friend.
Late Winter - Kerrin McCadden
In a handful of seasons,
water and cold and dirt
get under the paint and it falls
from our houses like old bark.
The river sends smaller
and smaller floes of ice
downstream, crocus making
their way up. Rocks are inside
my shoes by the time I’m home.
Five winters now I run my hands
under your shirts, start at the top
to split the buttons from their catches
and end the cold. My hands make a set
of wings under the placket.
Moth or hawk,
I don’t know which I am.
Linda Kinney was not just a lifelong Hardwick resident and a cherished elementary school teacher—she was also a passionate mystery reader! For many years, the readers at the Jeudevine Memorial Library have enjoyed her love for mysteries, thanks to her generous donations of mystery books. In her honor, the Jeudevine and the Galaxy Bookshop are excited to introduce the Linda Kinney Memorial Mystery Fund! When you contribute to this fund, you'll help the Jeudevine Library purchase books from Linda's favorite local bookstore, the Galaxy. Let's keep the mystery alive and make sure everyone can enjoy the wonderful books she adored!
You can donate at the library or you can donate at the Galaxy by buying a gift card for the fund!
Library Hours:
Phone: (802) 472-5948
Address: Jeudevine Memorial Library
93 North Main St.
P.O. Box 536
Hardwick, VT 05843
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