Library Hours:
Monday & Wednesday: 1 PM - 6 PM
Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 10 AM - 5 PM
Saturday: 10 AM - 2 PM
Closed Sundays
Address: 93 North Main Street, Hardwick, Vermont 05843
Phone: 802-472-5948
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We can accept cash, checks or debit/credit cards. Users paying with a card will be charged the $1.50 service fee.
Copying: $0.20per page (black & white, and color*)
Laminating: $0.50 per page.
Scanning and Faxing: Free
*If copying a half or full-page photograph (using a substaintial amount of any kind of ink), the charge will be $0.50 per page. Color copies must be requested at the circulation desk at this time.
Useful Links
Library Hours:
Phone: (802) 472-5948
Address: Jeudevine Memorial Library
93 North Main St.
P.O. Box 536
Hardwick, VT 05843
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